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Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL.

Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL.

Fuzzy rank based relevant search in PostgreSQL. In this article, I'll share how I've improved a search feature by ranking fuzzy string matches by applying to_tsvector, phraseto_tsquery, ts_rank, similarity to the searched term.  let's say we need to search list of labs which name contains the character combination of 'medwhite'. I'm saying contains since there might be names that are not an
TypeORM: How to bind parameters in where clause for SelectQueryBuilder

TypeORM: How to bind parameters in where clause for SelectQueryBuilder

Parameters used for As placeholders for the dynamic values in the query To prevent SQL injection Example let businessArtists: Artists[] = await getRepository(Artists)                 .createQueryBuilder('artists')                 .leftJoin(LocationArtists, 'location_artists', 'artists.artist_id = location_artists.artist_id')                 .where("artists.busi
How to use getManyAndCount function in SelectQueryBuilder

How to use getManyAndCount function in SelectQueryBuilder

TypeScript code snippets using typeorm.SelectQueryBuilder.getManyAndCount const [models, pageCount] = await getRepository(Businesses)             .createQueryBuilder('businesses')             .leftJoinAndSelect("businesses.locations", "locations")             .where("is_active = 1")             .andWhere("is_deleted = 0")             .skip(offset)        
Hacker Rank: Day 14: Scope

Hacker Rank: Day 14: Scope

Objective Today we’re discussing scope. The absolute difference between two integers, a and b, is written as |a – b|. The maximum absolute difference between two integers in a set of positive integers, elements, is the largest absolute difference between any two integers in elements. The Difference class is started for you in the editor. It has a private integer array (elements) for storin
Hacker Rank: Day 13: Abstract Classes

Hacker Rank: Day 13: Abstract Classes

Objective Today, we will extend what we learned yesterday about Inheritance to Abstract Classes. Because this is a very specific object oriented concept, submissions are limited to the few languages that use this construct. Task Given a Book class and a Solution class, write a MyBook class that does the following: Inherits from Book    Has a parameterized constructor taking these 3 param
Hacker Rank: Day 12: Inheritance

Hacker Rank: Day 12: Inheritance

Objective Today, we’re delving into Inheritance.  Task You are given two classes, Person and Student, where Person is the base class and Student is the derived class. Completed code for Person and a declaration for Student are provided for you in the editor. Observe that Student inherits all the properties of Person. Complete the Student class by writing the following: A Student class
Hacker Rank: Day 11: 2D Arrays

Hacker Rank: Day 11: 2D Arrays

Objective Today, we are building on our knowledge of arrays by adding another dimension. ContextGiven a 6 x 6 2D Array, A: 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 We define an hourglass in A to be a subset of values with indices falling in this pattern in A‘s graphical representation: a b c d e f g There are 16 hourglasses in A, and an hourglass
Hacker Rank: Day 10: Binary Numbers

Hacker Rank: Day 10: Binary Numbers

Objective Today, we’re working with binary numbers. Task Given a base-10 integer, n, convert it to binary (base-2). Then find and print the base-10 integer denoting the maximum number of consecutive 1‘s in n‘s binary representation. When working with different bases, it is common to show the base as a subscript. Example n = 125 The binary representation of 12510 is 11111012. In base 1
ChatGPT: A brief look at the AI chat bot

ChatGPT: A brief look at the AI chat bot

What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is released by Open AI, is it a text-based artificial intelligence tool. ChatGPT is powered by large amounts of data and computing techniques to make predictions to string words together in a meaningful way. ChatGPT useful for a wide range of tasks, from creating software to generating business ideas to writing a wedding toast. ChatGPT is just the first of many simil
Hacker Rank: Day 9: Recursion 3

Hacker Rank: Day 9: Recursion 3

Recursive Method for Calculating Factorial  factorial(N) = {1/n X  factorial(N-1) N ≤ 1/otherwise Function Description Complete the factorial function in the editor below.  Be sure to use recursion. factorial has the following paramter: int n: an integer Returns int: the factorial of n Note: If you fail to use recursion or fail to name your recursive function factorial or Fac
Postgresql find foreign key references and reset primary key serial without truncate table

Postgresql find foreign key references and reset primary key serial without truncate table

Postgresql find foreign key references and reset primary key serial without truncate table in this blog post i will try to explain how to find Postgresql foreign key references and reset primary key serial. now question is why we need to find Postgresql foreign key references and reset primary key serial ?  sometime we have a scenerio where we need to reset the primary key for business need at
Hacker Rank: Day 8: Dictionaries and Maps

Hacker Rank: Day 8: Dictionaries and Maps

Task: Given n names and phone numbers, assemble a phone book that maps friends' names to their respective phone numbers.  You will then be given an unknown number of names to query your phone book for.  For each named queried, print the associated entry from your phone book on a new line in the form name=phoneNumber;  if an entry for name is not found, print Not found instead. Note: Your p

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